Thursday, December 14, 2006

What is Barry Style?
It's what makes Barry who he is.
First of all Barry is.
Carring, cute, energetic, hip, masculine, original, passionate,
sexy, sophisticated, sweet and unique.

Second of all Barry is
Big Band, Classical, Electronica, Jazz, Showtunes and Standards. These are the styles of music that Barry loves
to listen to.

Third of all Barry is
Human Just your normal average guy. Barry would like to be treated the same way you treat your brother or any other
guy for that matter.

Fourth of all Barry is
A humanitarian who gives from his heart to many organizations. Including his own charity the Manilow Fund for
Health and Hope. Which was started in 1997 by Barry himself.

Fifth of all Barry is
An inspiring person. With his many inspirational messages.
Which we fans and others can learn from.
"Misfits aren't misfits. Among other misfits."
"If you think you're alone your not. Everyone's going through
the exact same thing."
"Don't give up. I didn't. So don't you".

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