Sunday, December 31, 2006

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Be True To Your School

Eastern District High
School tee shirt. With
the school name. Also
a picture of the mascot
which is a knight on a
horse. Linda

Cute Huh! Pt. 3

Eastern District High class of 1961.
Barry Manilow.

I Got To Wondering ? Pt. 2

I got to wondering? Does
Barry read the message
boards? If so what does
he think of what's being
posted. Does he wish that
some fans would leave his
love life alone. Or does he
just shake his head because
he can't believe that those f
ans have nothing better to
talk about than his love life.
I'm sure he knows that the
quote "It's all about the
music." falls on deaf ears.
I know the S*X G*D thing
was Barry's idea. Anything
to make the geek feel like a
"Stud Muffin" Right Barry!

Just think if he was voted
People magazines sexiest
man alive. There goes the

head shaking again. I can
see it now. "Can you see

it me Barry Manilow the
geekest man alive voted
People 's sexiest man alive.
Holy mackerel just what

I need." Yes it's all about
the music. But it's also
all about a wonderful
person who is a kind

and caring human
being. As well as a

humanitarian who
gives from his heart
to others.

Friday, December 29, 2006

Our G. Q. Hottie Circa 1970's

Barry in his Bel Air pool Circa 1980's

Lets Talk About Black Leather

I got to thinking after some fans

at the BarryNet started talking

about Barry leather. Can you just

imagine Barry on stage at the

Hilton wearing black leather .

The outfit would be black

leather boot cut jeans, black

shirt with black tee shirt, black

leather knee length duster and

black leather cowboy boots. Then

can you imagine Barry flipping the

bottom of the duster back and doing

those world famous BAMS!! to Could

It Be Magic.

Talk About Buns Pt. 2

Ah!! buns in black leather during
the 1985 Copacabana Tour The guy
in the photo with Barry is his musical
director Victor Vanacore. Yeah Victor

Talk About Tight Buns

Ah!! Talk about tight buns!!

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Aw What The Heck One More

Baby Barry Alson Pincus circa 1940 pt. 2

Cute Huh?

Baby Barry Alan Pincus circa 1940.

I Got To Wondering ?

I wonder how Barry got his name question mark ?

How did Barry get his name. When his first name
means spear in Irish or son of Harry in Welsh. His
middle which he doesn't use anymore of Alan. It
means handsome in Celtic. Now back in the day
1940's Jewish parents were giving their kids
names that were not Jewish names. Like Arron
and Samuel. Now was this his mother Edna's
idea? I've also heard that Jewish kids have two
birthcertificates. One from the hospital and one
that is Jewish. Now on the Jewish certificate
Jewish kids have their Jewish names. Now I
wonder? What is Barry's first and middle Jewish
names on his Jewish birthcertificate? Could the
first name be either Barak or Baruch both names
can be shortened to Barry. Then maybe his middle
name might be Alon which is also a Jewish name.
Can you imagine Barak Alon Pincus or Baruch Alon
Pincus. When his last name got changed to Manilow
and his middle name got ditched. Barak Manilow or
Baruch Manilow. I like the sound of first one myself.
Barak sounds powerful to me. So here I sit here and
ponder this question . How Barry Alan Pincus/Barry
Manilow got his his name? Whatever his Jewish first
and middle names are. Edna Manilow you did such a
super job of raising your son Barry.

Monday, December 25, 2006

Manilow Magic Blog

Welcome to Manilow Magic Blog. A blog that is about Barry Manilow.
Who is a multi talented entertainer.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

What is Barry Style?
It's what makes Barry who he is.
First of all Barry is.
Carring, cute, energetic, hip, masculine, original, passionate,
sexy, sophisticated, sweet and unique.

Second of all Barry is
Big Band, Classical, Electronica, Jazz, Showtunes and Standards. These are the styles of music that Barry loves
to listen to.

Third of all Barry is
Human Just your normal average guy. Barry would like to be treated the same way you treat your brother or any other
guy for that matter.

Fourth of all Barry is
A humanitarian who gives from his heart to many organizations. Including his own charity the Manilow Fund for
Health and Hope. Which was started in 1997 by Barry himself.

Fifth of all Barry is
An inspiring person. With his many inspirational messages.
Which we fans and others can learn from.
"Misfits aren't misfits. Among other misfits."
"If you think you're alone your not. Everyone's going through
the exact same thing."
"Don't give up. I didn't. So don't you".

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

I Wonder What?

I got to wondering?

Does he like hot fudge sundays with all the extras. You know chopped nuts, whip cream and the cherry.

What brand of tissue does he blow his nose with? Klenex,
Puffs, Scotties or the local store brand.

Where does Pepper sleep? A doggie bed, Barry's bed or the floor?
Does Pepper like to greet Barry when he walks in the door after
comming home from LV? Wagging it's tail back and fourth.