Saturday, December 30, 2006

I Got To Wondering ? Pt. 2

I got to wondering? Does
Barry read the message
boards? If so what does
he think of what's being
posted. Does he wish that
some fans would leave his
love life alone. Or does he
just shake his head because
he can't believe that those f
ans have nothing better to
talk about than his love life.
I'm sure he knows that the
quote "It's all about the
music." falls on deaf ears.
I know the S*X G*D thing
was Barry's idea. Anything
to make the geek feel like a
"Stud Muffin" Right Barry!

Just think if he was voted
People magazines sexiest
man alive. There goes the

head shaking again. I can
see it now. "Can you see

it me Barry Manilow the
geekest man alive voted
People 's sexiest man alive.
Holy mackerel just what

I need." Yes it's all about
the music. But it's also
all about a wonderful
person who is a kind

and caring human
being. As well as a

humanitarian who
gives from his heart
to others.

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